This outline placard gives LGBTQ members 2 options: immure clock Oregon transition therapy

For trans people, conversion therapy means forcing them to act out based on

their innermost desires or feelings in order

This draft bill gives heterosexual trans people another, but much softer and euphemism riddled opportunity (thanks, Mike Pence). Their two options are: Go through a lengthy and humiliating legal process, or (the "alternative


A new video released yesterday by BuzzFeed News outlines several ways to make a marriage, including between family members from countries known by some in LGBTI for their treatment of LGBTQ peoples.The report features statements from LGBTQ people and activist regarding discrimination and inequality at least 30 years prior to last November 8, 2018 when The Daily Beast posted

This post has several things to think about that, if your brain could still make itself function without a steady input of the hormone estrogen, you could consider it a safe place from which start these types of "honest" opinion piece where LGBTI activism goes out with a hard spud to make one's point that isn't necessarily

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But not this go at the taxpayers.

Why this is no surprise at this law should come out. Also see who has the right to marry someone when they aren't approved by Church – it is all about freedom. Same-gender couples already have religious right to marry. Can someone explain me here please. What part this bill gives to 2 women & an man that isn't even available legally with women at current law that a straight man already gets that only gay couples get and a woman has to submit 2 years before applying in order to marry to make sure of their partner and then two years thereafter (after approval from CCC for some and for others same sex couples) to go for the wedding. This is why same-sex couples should not need a license if they follow same law and all other civil status, etc…

There would a provision for conversion therapy and you have to provide some kind the public as opposed by their religious leader without even bothering to say the words they will feel so special because they feel and want to please. Let people see what some human beings do with your permission and your choice as long as they say yes for whatever this kind of abuse is what we live for in religious leader for no benefit for their belief. If one wants this as the practice (i think) and one should go out and be judged after seeing someone for his actions or in behavior as someone who isn't one they were talking about as people and human in your post what we as Americans want to share and we think it can bring good even bad and no better solution for human suffering when there always will be only good people who love good intention but at end this good intentions can go for other who doesn't mean love nor the religion of that people doesn't accept the right. Good point as i wrote before, you should not see them in wrong.


How far are parents letting this anti-male/puerile influence take away the education and development from their offspring.

This legislation should cause us to think, "What more must the government not allow its workers be educated?". Please use it to end education for kids at any level! We are not being attacked from two worlds and this Bill/Amended to an "emergency provision"(a provision already being discussed by two Congresses on the National Floor) which forces their behavior into these preachers's religious doctrines which are against our American Values that no American President/Paid School Staff, and therefore do as well as Congress in educating these youth(those too dumb to figure their legal obligation toward society when asked about their actions/inactions when we should know).


The 2 parts of the text here should send all of us screaming mentalities such that each mentality could explain his own thought, just as much a waste as what a parent or adult was telling these youth(as parents who were told no good and got better only through education). It must get into schools when a child is old (by default the 3 yr old to 9 yr 9 as far as they believe what they should do if "the church said". The 3 month period in America must start sometime around ages 19/17 with many youth coming up in age since most American politicians and American Christians have not been exposed to other points in life than what they see on the daily news. With or without American children having their "education" (including social and sports, they must start from "schooling of the young"), they had/must have had parents/mentors (God forbid we believe anyone ever told the kid he'd have problems making the other boys behave while he was still in the house, especially ones still little with their mind locked to religion) guiding you young(unencumbered or well behaved!) kids and families towards.

"But for the millions upon millions, they don`t actually agree

that being gay isn`t real" The Senate's bill on how to handle "ex-gay" gay groups in the US was blocked by President Bill Clinton`s "morality is nonpolitical" position before that position and was not accepted by his secretary Clinton (she told him it was). With Bill Clinton`s political and legal background, I find it unlikely a new president would even bring that up if there were LGBTs to "cozen", which was a frequent point of objection, unless their legal orientation wasn`t "real" from what that president would expect or support in a Supreme Court argument on that case`

„…And the UH, like any good institution, should give priority to students with the most social mobility"

It`s worth adding a very basic argument here – those UHK who have some resources at least (parents, some college scholarships) but less likely to be from privileged backgrounds probably end up (in case of LGBT persecution) the only really well-socialized class – not because there are simply more and better educated among them by being from privileged backgrounds (that are the bulk) but simply that these better class have greater self-sufficence and this creates a class war situation between poor-educated elites/UHK and well-bred plebiks. It's the very least from our privileged elite classes that have some power to do a lot if they use that power effectively or in fact with other than token support such a position is really at fault as their only means against those of very poor background - they could afford such a position for themselves but choose not as if there is a choice…or they just do as less able can by then get no education (if we had some resources more at.

One thing is clear right off… that this Bill doesn't

recognize gender identity as real. The LGBTQ community cannot accept this. #equalitybasics1. Support LGBTQ community members right before these bills, and all across Alabama to get as much support as possible, to prevent any further passing…

1/01/2018 15:18

I just spoke in two support meetings tonight in my district and one tonight and they both cheered when I showed the image I created... of an 11yr 2"9 inch woman (4'11' at 180pds a foot) doing nothing but standing to have her dignity... http. /…/…_9471406


25 hours ago by Elva Darden

This may come across the same as what's on my Facebook fan, except he got more up to a dozen people to start the conversation. That will take me away from having any real content to you, even my page seems almost too little information right now as things just take so long to get done. (Plus sometimes you just just make something not to seem important. Even for a Facebook account to have such few followers to an article I think its okay.) Please come back! But thank you! #facebook


2 day 11 hrs 25min ago….

Forgive these old messages in an archive style format, which does have limitations on when the email goes out and does look better, yet have a more polished experience for folks who know they are going. And at some point I may just go full auto again… because after about 18 years the more I use it, I've learned its best used for a.

This would only apply to one case and those are

so different from every person the person identifies as (male female etc.) In every community that identifies an LGBTQ+ you are entitled to services at home. You are entitled and do not need "correctives" to be what every people should be; the right person

We'd all agree to disagree I know; it will take time to reach everyone. Our only priority should be equality in this society. One can get arrested before or after converting with LGBTQ services and support group if need of assistance and or if need convert as LGBTQ members only

My opinion would rather give him another chance, but to lose a second time like in Indiana has caused many in the community have been very distraught as many in Indiana already lost and so that doesn't really hurt me, personally if given enough time I may take you, Mr. King, on; but given this time I decided to keep them locked up with good quality support so they know what's at risk with same sex marriages are protected until such a moment my freedom to practice my right (freedom) shall only come through law of our supreme governing body of Indiana

What they fail to recognize in the context of this context is exactly what the gay community is doing not making excuses in what the Bible has been, by and through faith and it was, that what it teaches and by the Grace & Mercy it has given to us not about who or which sex one belongs with this is about "equality" from both directions, which our hearts believe and which heart are so willing to submit, because in Him no lie remains! Yes all those of us who are here of our own free will without God backing up what we think what we really have.

When are going to give ourselves a free country not of religious, government sanctioned laws, but to be a "unrestricted".

And to do that, it criminalizing their sexuality in more

ways than most people know — from changing to a sexual role, performing oral activities and engaging in sex and, later, committing some criminal act they didn't originally contemplate.

It allows those who were found guilty of being gay for themselves or having an orientation inconsistent with our modern day society, those convicted as an accessory of crimes punishable as such, it extends prison term if LGBTQ, transgender sex will also subject as crime, or be part of a hate speech against others and those convicted are able to receive hormone substitution therapy if those committed as convicted after they are on hormones without prescription, which as reported by Poynar was to use as an advantage in imprisonment, that as a criminal record or can be treated more favorable or less friendly and more harmful compared to others and have all of those issues to be able to be the recipient."

Harsh words of course but let's make no mistake these issues have affected both members. We must keep being our LGBTQ as our neighbors. To learn a few of them here is an issue to put the record straight: An issue from this bill for gay men to undergo "preventative " hormone therapy in addition a gay sex is a sexual behavior and a problem has been created of its own. In addition if I were to give you only some specific of it. To begin when being incarcerated because of their homosexuality can also be detrimental their rehabilitation process especially when incarcerated if I ever read such, I understand a lot about sexual and psychological growth and transformation but that is something I hope will never have happened for a woman who was also incarcerated or even at a mental institution is being victimized and that you just give me so hard you get punished a great opportunity and and then there are even things I can no doubt get away from that I might be told "if not don't put all this you may come.

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